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For the first time of my life, I’ve accepted to take part to the Inktober Challenge.

What is it ?

Inktober is a drawing challenge created by Jake Parker in 2009. From the 1st of October to the 31st of October, artist has to draw following a list written before October.

Since 2009, the concept has been widely adopted by other creators who come up with their own list; the goal is always to draw once a day. It forces us to overcome the blank page (can I say writer’s block ?) and the fear of missing out.

The word inktober comes from the word ink and october (as you may have guessed). But why the word Ink? Because originally, it was about inking hence the drawings, for the most part, in black and white.

2020 prompt list

My version…

As it was my first participation, I chose to stick as closely as possible to the basic principles:

  • the official list
  • ink drawings only

How did I experience it?

Ok, I have to say I’m glad this is over. I’m empty, my pencil is tiny and I have almost no more paper in my notebook (I had sworn to fill it before the end of the year, successful gamble!)

In terms of time, frankly it was fine. Well, I still saw it as an obligation at the end. But honestly, I find that I did pretty well for the time spent: on average 30 minutes a day, except day 15 which took me longer, and especially when I took more time for myself.

In terms of the drawings, as I said, I am rather happy with the time spent. I hate the one from day 8 (this tooth is horrible). The experience reassures me that if I take more time, I would be able to make nice drawings and especially that please (especially to me, I am my worst judge).

Speaking of the judge, it was a bit tricky at first to watch what the others did. I mainly shared on Instagram and by tagging with #inktober2020, I saw the drawings of others: so hard not to feel bad. But gradually, I fully assumed my beginner drawings (ahah) and I discovered amazing artists! But what I also liked was the difference in the interpretation of the terms (yes I didn’t really catch the word of the second day ^^).

Check theses ‘grams accounts :

In terms of inspiration, I often had breakdowns, which will not really help me for my next challenge … the NaNoWriMo: a month to write a novel … (the good joke!)

I leave you with my drawings 😉

Bye bye